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Allows to push system generated activities on domain activity stream. It has the following methods.


string $ActivityStream.Push ( activity )

Pushes a new activity and returns id number of activity.


Object activity Activity object. See remarks


This method creates a new activity on domain activity stream. Activity object consists on following properties.

Activity Properties

Actor of activity that who is caused. If not specified displayed as "System".

Object Id
Id of object that activity occurs on. Required.

Object Type
Type of object. (e.g. customer, product) . Required.

Type of activity. (e.g. create, update, comment) If not specified "share" term is used.

Published At
Date of activity is occurs. If not specified current date is used.

Array of targets that activity displayed to or exclusively notified.Targets can be specified as generic types or specific identity. If not specified "Everyone" is used.

Descriptive text of activity.

Array of attachments like files, links.


Creating a basic activity for everyone.

    objectId : $Xml.Evaluate('Id')
    objectType : 'customer',
    content: 'Customer ' + $Xml.Evaluate('Name') + ' is updated.'

Creating a activity to display only to administrators.

    objectId : $Xml.Evaluate('Id')
    objectType : 'customer',
    content: 'Customer is updated.',
    targets: [ $Membership.Administrator ]

Create a new activity to display only to administrators and accounting with exclusively notify the accounting.

    objectId : $Xml.Evaluate('Id')
    objectType : 'customer',
    content: 'Customer is updated.',   
    targets: [ { targetId: $Membership.Administrator }, { targetId : $Membership.FindIdentity('Accounting'), notify: true } ]

Create a new activity with file attachment.

    objectId : $Xml.Evaluate('Id')
    objectType : 'customer',
    content: 'Customer is updated.',   
    targets: [ { targetId: $Membership.Administrator } ],
    attachment: [ $Xml.Evaluate('BillFileId') ]