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Identity $Membership.FindManager ( identity, [ position ] )

Returns manager position of specified identity if found.


Identity | String identity Identity to find manager of

Identity | String position Current position of identity. Optional.


When input identity is a user;

Calculates the manager position of specified user.

If manager position is empty, tries the scan organization hierarchy upper level, until to a position found, otherwise null.

When input identity is a organization unit

Calculates the common manager of existing positions in specified organization unit.

If multiple manager found, throws error.

If no position exist, returns null.


Find a manager by form data

$Membership.FindManager( $Xml.Evaluate('PersonnelInformation/Owner') );

Find a manager by form data with position identifier

$Membership.FindManager( $Xml.Evaluate('PersonnelInformation/Owner'), $Xml.Evaluate('PersonnelInformation/Position') );

Find the manager of who has processed the current work item

$Membership.FindManager( $WorkItem.CompletedBy );

Find the manager of a organization unit

$Membership.FindManager( $Xml.Evaluate('Department') );

See Also