Message Control
This control is practical for displaying a message on the form. It is visible as default but with formatting rules it might be useful for showing / hiding a dynamic information note on the form.
Type of message. The icon displayed before the text and border color change according to selected type. Available options are :
Text message to display.
Section Name
Name of section is for controlling read only or visible state of a section. If set to a value this section can be configured in task properties.
Dynamic Rules
Dynamic rules section allows to specify format and warning messages of any element and section. Dynamic rules section consists of two parts, one of them is for formatting rules and the other one is for validation rules.
Formatting rules, allow you to change the formats (text color, background color, style) and visibility of a control depending upon a condition. Further information here.
Validation rules, allow you to validate the data that is entered by the end-user. Further information here.
Bound XPath
XPath of the element. If set to empty, it uses parent xpath.